Freedom from Pain

Integrating advanced physiotherapy with somatic release and nervous system regulation

Conditions I work with


Pelvic pain, TMJ, neck and spinal pain and headaches.

Because of the interconnectedness of the fascial system in the body it is often necessary to work with areas far from the site of the pain.

Longstanding pain is almost always a problem of the nervous system. I will teach you to to rewire your nervous system towards health and resilience.

Women's Health

I work with female conditions such as menstrual pain, pelvic floor problems, endometriosis, painful or numb intercourse, menopause support and infertility support in a holistic way that prioritises your nervous system and from there work with tension patterns in your body that are contributing to symptoms.

I spent 9 years working at Milltown Physiotherapy Clinic in Dublin, a centre for Women's Health.

Chronic conditions

Nervous system dysregulation is one of the root causes of almost all chronic health conditions. I teach you to heal your nervous system, which usually requires a combination of lifestyle changes and working with your body to release traumatic imprints in a very gentle manner.

Meet Sinead

Sinead is a Chartered Physiotherapist with over two decades of experience. Her passion lies in combining the traditional physiotherapy approach with neuroscience and modern nervous system and trauma healing to offer a truly holistic approach.

Learn more about what sessions can look like